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<span class="user-name "><span class="user-name__text">Rick Obringer</span></span>

Rick Obringer

Las Vegas, NV


Orthopedics, Surgery


Professional Achievements:

I have been a Physician Assistant since 1999. I founded Advanced Surgical Associates in 2004 as a physician assistant surgical staffing service. I scaled this innovative healthcare delivery model in Las Vegas, Utah, and California. In 2009 I launched and exited a medical device distributorship. I have invested in start- ups, real estate, and the stock market. I currently maintain ASA and serve a solo provider in surgery, scaling down the business I found in 2004. Along the way, I developed a passion for business and investing. I love opportunities for education and growth. I recently joined StartUp NV as an investor and will be going through their incubator training program.   


I served on the board of the Nevada Academy of Physician Assistants and advocated through three legislative sessions. I currently serve as a consultant and expert witness. I have spent the past 3 years learning about patents and innovation with the goal of patenting a medical device by summer 2023. I served on the board for Operation HOPE and led medical missions to Vietnam and Mexico. For two years I was the Activities Director for Camp to Belong, a summer camp to reunited siblings separated by foster care. I have been a tennis instructor for several summer camps including the renowned John Gardner’s Tennis Ranch in Carmel California which hosted 900 kids each summer. In my free time, I enjoy snow skiing, biking, paddle boarding, hiking, and traveling. Thank you for your consideration.

Work History

Advanced Surgical Associates in NV
President / PA-C — September, 2004 to present

Education History

Western University of Health Sciences
June, 1997 to June, 1999
